Lost Ark has been a gamer phenomenon since it was first released in December 2019. Given the hype surrounding Lost Ark, new players are flocking to it in droves, and there’s an obvious question they all need to answer: what are the best Lost Ark servers?
To help you out, we’ve compiled the best Lost Ark servers, along with a load of other useful info to help you make the best choice.
Want to set yourself up for adventure? Check out our Lost Ark Class guide.
Why Choosing The Right Server Is Important
Once you pick a Lost Ark server, you can’t move your character to another, so it’s not a choice to be taken lightly! Some free sites let you check your ping to any Amazon Web Services server, including Lost Ark’s ones. This way, you’ll get a good idea of the best choices for your location.
Of course, there are other factors you want to consider. Servers are divided into three categories: low-population, medium-population, and high-population. The higher the population, the more guilds will be available. Yet, a high population often comes with the cost of long queues.
You can check the status of each server on Lost Ark’s official site. Servers marked as “Good” should be fine. If you choose the “Busy” ones, instead, you could experience a long wait before being able to log in.
Here are the seven most popular Lost Ark servers, ranked from the best to the worst.
Did you know that Lost Ark has a meaningful endgame? Learn all about it in our article.
1. Una
Region: North America East
Una is a medium-population server. Long story short, it’s the perfect balance between queue times and community fun. On Discord, there are many PvE and PvX communities for this Northeast American server.

Una has many advantages over a higher-population server. You can make the most out of your life skills since there is much less competition. Also, a less-populated server tends to have a better performance. This way, you’ll experience fewer lag issues.
The most popular classes on Una are Sorceress and Berseker. There is also a fair share of Paladins and Deathblades. English is the most common language, but there are also Portuguese speakers.
2. Azena
Region: North America East
Azena is the official PvP server for the Northeast American region. We know that PvP is cross-server. Still, on Azena you’ll find most communities and guilds dedicated to this gaming style. Plus, this is the server where official PvP events take place.
So, why is it not number one on our list? Because it’s the busiest server in the region, which means long queue times.

With so many players, there is high competition. There are always expert players on Azena, so it’s a great place if you want to test your skills. According to the Lost Ark Official Forum, most big streamers, including Asmongold, play on Azena.
3. Regulus
Region: North America East
Regulus is the second most populated server after Azena. It’s also the choice of many streamers. For example, according to Reddit user Galactic Danger, Legacy Gaming went there with a guild of 1000 people.
If streamers choose Regulus, it can’t be bad, right? Yes, but streamers tend to bring their huge fandom on the server of their choice. This means extra queue time.

The bright side is that Regulus has a vibrant community. You can find guilds that suit most gaming styles, from laid-back to hardcore. There are both PvX and PvE communities to play with.
This server has a large Spanish-speaking community, but most of the players speak English.
4. Galatur
Region: North America East
Galatur is famous for being the main Lost Ark home of the popular streamer Asmongold. Despite the huge fandom the streamer brought to the server, most players report shorter queues on Galatur in comparison with Azena and Regulus.
Last February, Galatur went down for unplanned maintenance. The issue caused missing quests and items for over 17,000 players. Luckily, the game’s support staff fixed things promptly, and all gamers affected got a free Founder’s Pack as compensation. The server is fine now.

What brings value to Galatur are the small communities like Coolkidsclub and Iron Tyrants, with lots of guild leaders to join and a very supportive environment. With just a quick Discord search, you’ll find hundreds of groups playing Lost Ark on this server. There is also a Spanish-speaking minority of users.
5. Mari
Region: North America West
Mari is one of the most populated servers in Northwest America. Yet you won’t find the same huge population here as on Azena and Regulus. The reason is that most of the hype is on the Northeastern servers.
Many people would get better ping by joining Northwestern servers, but decide to play on Azena or Galatur. The reason could be why it’s their favorite streamer’s choice. Or simply because Northeastern servers are more popular.

Regardless of this, players are reporting huge queues on Mari. If you want a Northwestern server for better ping and can’t wait too long, you’re better off with low-pop options like Rohendel and Enviska.
On the bright side, there are so many guilds and communities on Mari that you’ll never run out of people to play with.
6. Bergstorm
Region: North America West
Bergstorm is one of the least populated servers in Northwest America. Short queue times, or no queue at all, really work in its favor. However, there are fewer communities and guilds in comparison with most other servers.
According to Reddit user FishermanYellow, Bergstorm has a minority of players from Australia and New Zealand. The NA West Bergstorm community on Discord has over 420 members. The community members have nicknames in a specific format: IGN Name / Class / iLvl.

This Discord has over 15 guild masters you can join. The users share useful tips like game guides and maps to help you progress. From time to time, the community also offers merchant tracker notifications, which alert you when there are Wei cards or legendary rapport items.
7. Valtan
Region: North America West
Valtan is a Northwestern American server, but the queue times are almost as long as in Europe.
The reason is that Valtan is basically the unofficial server for Oceania, which has no dedicated servers and results in most users heading over to Valtan. Add your typical share of players from North America, and you can see why the queue becomes long.

Another thing you want to consider is the time zone difference between you and players from Oceania. It’s possible that you won’t find many people to play with at the time you usually play.
Region-Wide Elements Of Lost Ark
While much of the gameplay depends on where you are in the world, certain elements are consistent across regions, including:
- Raids
- Cross-Server (Regionwide)
- Cube
- Dungeons
- Auction House
- Platinum Fields
- Boss Rush
- Character Name
- Ranked PvP Arena
Server-Specific Elements

There are also other activities in the game that can only be done when playing with someone on your own sub-server.
- Friends (list)
- Guilds
- Open World
- Islands
- Guild versus Guild
- Strongholds
- Arena Premade
- Life Skills
Lost Ark Servers By Region

Still not sure? While we’ve given you a good look at our top picks there are still plenty of other options out there. Here are the regional lists of Lost Ark servers, plus the top three from each region.
Central Europe Servers For Lost Ark
- Kadan
- Neria
- Calvasus
- Trixion
- Zinnervale
- Thirain
- Wei
- Asta
- Procyon
- Slen
- Beatrice
- Sceptrum
- Inanna
- Sirius
- Thaemine
- Brelshaza
- Antares
- Mokoko
- Nineveh
Popular Central European Servers
- Zinnervale – a definite favorite with mostly English-speaking players.
- Sceptrum – another highly popular server with mostly English-speaking players.
- Nineveh – not quite as popular but still favoured by many English-speaking players
Europe West Lost Ark Servers
- Tortoyk
- Rethramis
- Stonehearth
- Moonkeep
- Tragon
- Shadespire
- Punika
- Petrania
Popular West European Servers
While all the western European servers are relatively new, Moonkeep and Punika are currently proving to be the most popular choices.
Servers In Eastern North America
- Una
- Azena
- Avesta
- Regulus
- Karta
- Galatur
- Kharmine
- Ladon
- Sasha
- Elzowin
- Aldebaran
- Adrinne
- Vykas
- Zosma
- Danube
Popular Eastern North American Servers
- Azena – a highly popular server with the PvP community.
- Una – is generally a very popular server.
- Avesta – is generally a very popular server.
And In Western North America
- Valtan
- Mari
- Enviska
- Bergstrom
- Akkan
- Rohendel
- Shandi
Popular Western North American Servers
- Valtan – a highly popular server that’s unofficially become the OCE server.
- Mari – a highly popular server.
South American Servers
- Agaton
- Kazeros
- Arcturus
- Gienah
- Feiton
- Yorn
- Kurzan
- Vern
- Prideholme
Popular South American Servers
- Agaton – a highly popular server.
- Kazeros – another highly popular server.
- Kurzan – not quite so popular but still well used.